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Will Disney Lorcana Be a Competitive TCG?

What does Ravensburger have planned for organized play in Disney Lorcana

Disney Lorcana made a big splash in the TCG community when the cards dropped last week. Collectors and competitive players alike have pounced on the booster packs, looking to get their hands on the Disney-themed cards. But will Disney Lorcana actually be competitive?

As the TCG community has more and more time to play around with The First Chapter cards, competitive players have come up with decks and other strategies. And they’re in luck — Disney plans to make Disney Lorcana a competitive game. Here’s how.

Lorcana’s official website expresses that something called Lorcana Play will allow for organized trading and competing. Lorcana Play participants will earn League points for playing or even doing different activities.

“Lorcana Play stores will award prizes based on League point totals. Your store may also choose to host tournaments and award prizes based on the results,” the site reads.

Where to Find Organized Play for Disney Lorcana

From the sounds of it, Disney Lorcana plans to have local tournaments held at card and game shops around the country. Through Lorcana Play, your performance and activity at these competitions and other events will add up to earn you League points.

Unfortunately, it’s not currently clear which stores will be hosting these tournaments and events. These details should be revealed soon, but nothing official has been announced.

It’s also unclear if there will be any larger tournament structures beyond locals but it’s a good start.

For example, Pokemon doesn’t only have official local battles but also hosts an organized season full of regionals and other big events that ultimately reward high-ranking participants with points that qualify them for a championship event.

Will we be getting a Disney Lorcana season and championship? That’s currently unclear.

How to Host Lorcana Play Events at Your Local Store

If you are interested in qualifying for Lorcana Play events, you must meet certain requirements laid out by Ravensburger. Here are the store requirements for shops looking to host Lorcana tournaments and events.

Stores that meet these qualifications will be given a kit of promo cards, pins, and other prizes that can be used to host tournaments. One kit will support a 12-week season of League play, according to the official guidelines.