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THE FINALS is a multi-team tournament game that’s full of cash, chaos, and combat. You may have never heard of it, but the game is starting to see a lot of hype, especially now that the second closed beta is here.

Curious about the destructive and weapon-heavy game show-style arena? You can join the Closed Beta 2 over on Steam. The servers went live on June 14 for console and PC — and we are starting to see a lot of content online that’s finally uncovering what the game is all about.

The closed beta will also have some new content, however, including new weapons for all character classes as well as new cosmetics and skins. There is also a new progression system that allows contestants to control what they unlock — and the rewards are permanent, meaning you’ll have them when the game officially launches.

THE FINALS also added a new game mode called Quick Cash that is meant for more casual competition. It features a 3v3v3 format and longer matches, faster respawn times, faster extraction times, and a single vault at a time.

Can I Get Into the Closed Beta?

At the moment, you most likely need to get invited. But it’s worth signing up and seeing if you get in later on.

What Is THE FINALS Video Game?

THE FINALS is a multiplayer online shooter that adds a new element to arena-style competition — complete destruction. Aside from the usual weapons, which include grenades, turrets, and guns, you’ll be able to completely decimate the arena itself with fire, wrecking balls, and collapsing buildings.

It’s the first game from Embark Studios, but the team is made up of people who have been building first-person shooters for over two decades. Their goal was to elevate the genre with something new that’s never been done before.

What Is THE FINALS Gameplay?

Bracket format for THE FINALS

Bracket format for THE FINALS

The goal of a match is to fight over objectives, like cash boxes. But you don’t just fight with weapons. The entire arena can be destroyed, including knocking over buildings onto opponents or breaking floors to get to an objective in an unexpected way.

There are currently two modes confirmed for THE FINALS. The new closed beta introduced Quick Cash, which is a fast-paced 3v3v3 mode that is meant for more casual chaos. A lot of people in the closed beta who experienced Quick Cash have said it’s a lot more fun and seamless than the competitive mode, with teams rapidly respawning and fighting for objectives and cash.

The main mode is known as Tournament Mode. It starts with two simultaneous Knockout Rounds with four teams of three duking it out in separate arenas. The top four teams will meet in the Knockout Round 2 in hopes of being the last two teams standing. These two trios will fight in the Final Round.

It received a lot of updates in the second closed beta, including reducing the number of players to 24. It makes the tournament a lot less time-consuming. While the game does take a lot of strategy, there is some luck involved amongst all the chaos — whoever comes out with the cash wins.

You can compete in the Tournament Mode both casually and competitively.