End the Clone Wars and Fight For Justice in the Brawlhalla Star Wars Crossover Event

The Brawlhalla Star Wars event is live and bringing some of the most iconic sci fi characters into the fighting game. Here's how to harness the power of the force with Brawlhalla's latest Mythic crossovers.
Star Wars Skins Come to Brawlhalla
Patch 8.06 has brought a lot of exciting gameplay changes to Brawlhalla, including improvements, bug fixes, and adjustments. But the most exciting part of the update is most definitely the Star Wars crossover event, which includes some exciting new cosmetics.
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Here are the four Mythic crossovers, according to a Ubisoft press release:
- Anakin Skywalker, a Mythic Crossover for Ezio, has trained his whole life as the Chosen One and was meant to bring balance to the Force. In Brawlhalla, he has an unorthodox fighting style, using his lightsaber (Sword) and a Jedi training remote (Orb)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Mythic Crossover for Val, is a legendary Jedi Master who trained Anakin Skywalker. In Brawlhalla, Obi-Wan wields his lightsaber (Sword) and plastoid clone armor gauntlets (Gauntlets), and can call on the Force in battle
- Ahsoka Tano, a Mythic Crossover for Asuri, was Anakin Skywalker's Padawan apprentice before she left the Jedi Order. In Brawlhalla, she is extremely agile and can use a single lightsaber (Sword) or dual-wield using her reverse lightsaber grip (Katars)
- Darth Vader, a Mythic Crossover for Ezio, is one of the most notable villains in the Star Wars galaxy. A former Jedi tempted to the dark side, he's a now a cybernetic Sith Lord. In Brawlhalla he fights with his lightsaber (Sword), an Orb made of crushed metal, and he can use the Force to choke opponents or trap them under fallen debris

Three new weapon skins will also feature lightsaber designs with customizable colors. They are the Asgardian Lightsaber (Sword), Asgardian Lightsabers (Katars), and Asgardian Saberstaff (Spear). Other cosmetics during the Star Wars crossover include the Force Levitation emote and the Jedi Order, Galactic Republic, Tooka Cat, and Battle of the Heroes avatar.
- Related: Spongebob Crossover Event
How to Get the Star Wars Skins in Brawlhalla
The Star Wars crossover skins are available in Mallhalla, Brawlhalla's in-game store. Read more about the skins and all other Star Wars content in Brawlhalla here.